Exclusively Championing small developers from the national to neighbourhood level

shared vision and mission:

empower small builders and developers by exclusively amplifying their voices, advocating for access to land, simplifying planning processes—from plan making to applications—providing the tools they need to navigate an increasingly complex industry, and promoting their vital contributions to local communities.

About SSA

The Small Sites Alliance (SSA) is the first and only organisation dedicated exclusively to representing small developers and SME builders on both the national and local stage. Our mission is clear: to reverse the decades-long decline in SME developers and ensure they have the support they need to thrive.

Small developers were once the backbone of housing delivery, responsible for nearly 40% of new homes in the 1980s. Today, that figure has plummeted to around 12%, squeezed out by rising costs, complex policies, and a planning system that favours large developers.

We’re here to change that.

Why We Exist

The UK faces a housing crisis, and small developers hold the key to unlocking sustainable, community-focused homes. But navigating the planning system can be a nightmare. Policies like Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and inconsistent local plans create disproportionate challenges for small sites.

Small-scale developers lack the resources of larger companies to lobby for change or to tackle excessive planning delays. The result? Missed opportunities to deliver homes, fewer bespoke developments, and a system that often feels stacked against them.

The Small Sites Alliance exists to:

  • Champion small developers: We give small-scale builders a collective voice at the national level.

  • Simplify the planning process: We help members navigate planning challenges and advocate for policies that work for small sites.

  • Promote the value of small sites: Small, infill, and brownfield plots are critical to solving the housing crisis, and we ensure their potential is recognised.


1. Reverse the Decline in SME Developers

The loss of SME builders has left a gap in the market for bespoke, community-led housing. Our goal is to rebuild their role in the sector by breaking down barriers and unlocking opportunities.

2. Advocate for Better Policies

We push for changes that make life easier for small developers, such as:

  • Simplified Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements for small sites.

  • Support for initiatives like Room to Grow, which proposes expanding Permitted Development Rights (PDR) to enable quick, scalable housing delivery.

  • Small Allocations in local plans to ensure small developers have access to viable plots.

3. Represent Small Developers Locally and Nationally

We are the only organisation focused solely on representing small developers at every level:

  • National stage: We engage with policymakers to advocate for fairer, SME-focused planning policies.

  • Local level: We support our members by submitting representations on planning applications, highlighting the social, economic, and environmental benefits of their projects.

4. Promote the Benefits of Small Sites

Small sites are uniquely positioned to deliver:

  • Housing that integrates seamlessly with existing communities.

  • Faster development on brownfield and infill plots.

  • Lower impact, bespoke housing solutions that respond to local needs.

Through advocacy and representation, we ensure these benefits are front and centre in planning decisions.


Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

BNG is essential to ensuring development works hand-in-hand with environmental goals. But its one-size-fits-all approach often penalises small sites.

We’re calling for:

  • Simpler, SME-friendly metrics for small sites.

  • Incentives for on-site biodiversity enhancements over costly off-site credits.

  • Clearer alignment between BNG and the government’s “brownfield first” policy.

These changes will help small developers deliver homes without unnecessary costs or delays.

Room to Grow

The Room to Grow initiative highlights the potential of small sites. Expanding PDR to allow the conversion of detached homes into semi-detached homes could unlock 160,000 new homes within a year.

We advocate for these types of policies because they:

  • Reduce planning hurdles.

  • Create fast, scalable opportunities for small developers.

  • Deliver housing that meets local needs without large-scale disruption.

Planning Allocations for Small Sites

Too often, local plans favour large-scale developments, leaving small plots overlooked. This creates missed opportunities for infill and brownfield development, which could provide housing quickly and sustainably.

The SSA pushes for:

  • Dedicated allocations for small sites in local plans.

  • Fair planning policies that prioritise infill and urban regeneration.

By levelling the playing field, we ensure small sites remain part of the solution to the housing crisis.


The Small Sites Alliance is more than an advocacy group. We’re a partner for small developers at every stage of the process.

  • Planning Support: We assist members in navigating the complexities of the planning system, offering advice and representation where needed.

  • Policy Engagement: We participate in consultations at the local and national level to ensure small developers’ needs are recognised.

  • Representation: For our members, we submit comments on planning applications to emphasise the benefits of their projects.


By joining the SSA, small developers gain:

  • A collective voice to influence planning policy.

  • Advocacy for policies that simplify and support small-scale development.

  • Representation that highlights the value of their projects.

  • Access to resources and support for navigating the planning process.

Together, we can:

  • Reverse the decline in SME developers.

  • Unlock the potential of small sites to deliver much-needed housing.

  • Build a housing system that is fair, sustainable, and inclusive.

Membership starts at £400 per year and is tax deductible.


Are you ready to make your voice heard and help shape the future of small-scale development?

Join us today. Its Free.
Fill out the contact form on our website to learn more about membership and how the SSA can support you.

Let’s work together to unlock the potential of small sites and ensure small developers thrive in a fairer, more supportive planning system.